Canine clinic based in Guisborough
Mobile equine appointments.

Equine conditions
Many conditions can be managed and improved with the use of physiotherapy. Physiotherapists are here to help guide you as owners on appropriate exercises with your horse. I can advised if saddle fit or tack fit may be causing MSK discomfort. Physiotherapists can treat injuries, provide maintenance care and provide treatment for sporting horses to help with performance.
Treatments can involve managing pain, reducing compensatory issues and providing routine care to pick up on subtle changes to prevent injury.

Symptoms to look out for!
Your horse may be telling you something is wrong.
Your physiotherapist can help!
Discomfort when being tacked up or rugged
Saddle area soreness
Refusing fences, knocking poles or a reluctance to stretch or collect
Reluctance to engage their hind limbs
Disuniting in canter or incorrect strike off
Stiffness in one rein
Poor transitions
Contact issues
Head tilt
Napping, Bucking or rearing when ridden, lunged or long-reined
Stiffness in the mornings, evenings or after exercise​
Uneven wearing of the shoes or hooves
Inability or reluctance to stand square
Poor or under performance, or a change in their functional level
Uncharacteristic changes in their behaviour
Reluctance to work